
2024 RTCA

White horse award

Nomination deadline: 

Friday, August 30th, 2024

The RTCA White Horse Award is an annual award presented to an individual(s) who has performed a heroic act on behalf of human or horse within the past 12 months.

To begin the nomination process, please click on the button below:

Nominate TODAY!

2023 RTCA White Horse Award

Every year, RTCA honors heroes in the horseracing industry through it's

White Horse Award.  The winner of this year’s White Horse Award is David Pope. In the fall of 2022, David made the decision to donate his kidney to a total stranger.  It was a successful operation, and both men are doing well today.

To see this incredible story of faith, go to the RTCA YouTube channel or click here:

2023 WHA Award Winner- David Pope